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The number of nonassociative n-products with k elements preceding the rightmost left parameter is F(n,k) = F(n-1,k)+F(n-1,k-1) (1) = (n+k-2; k)-(n+k-1; k-1), (2) where (n; k) ...
"Nordstrand's weird surface" is an attractive quartic surface given by the implicit equation It has 11 ordinary double points located at (2/5,0,0), (-2/5,0,0), ...
Let A be a C^*-algebra, then an element a in A is called normal if aa^*=a^*a.
The study of numbers for the supposed purpose of predicting future events or seeking connections with the occult.
Except for convex polygons, every simple polygon has at least one mouth.
A broad area of mathematics connected with functional analysis, differential equations, index theory, representation theory, and mathematical physics.
A tree is planted at each lattice point in a circular orchard which has center at the origin and radius r. If the radius of trees exceeds 1/r units, one is unable to see out ...
A point which lies on at least one ordinary line is called an ordinary point, or sometimes a regular point.
A surface which is homeomorphic to a finite collection of spheres, each with a finite number of handles, cross-handles, cross-caps, and perforations. A preliminary version of ...
Given four points, A, B, C, and H, let H be the orthocenter of DeltaABC. Then A is the orthocenter DeltaHBC, B is the orthocenter of DeltaHAC, and C is the orthocenter of ...
