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An inscribed angle is an angle ∠ABC formed by points A, B, and C on a circle's circumference as illustrated above. For an inscribed angle ∠ABC and central angle ∠AOC with the ...
The number of elements greater than i to the left of i in a permutation gives the ith element of the inversion vector (Skiena 1990, p. 27).
If p divides the numerator of the Bernoulli number B_(2k) for 0<2k<p-1, then (p,2k) is called an irregular pair. For p<30000, the irregular pairs of various forms are p=16843 ...
An isozonohedron is a zonohedron whose faces consist of n(n-1) congruent rhombi (Fedorov 1953, pp. 256-266; Chilton and Coxeter 1963). The following table summarizes some of ...
The repeated application of a transformation.
A sequence {a_j} of positive integers is called an iteration sequence if there exists a strictly increasing sequence {s_k} of positive integers such that a_1=s_1>=2 and ...
Let W(u) be a Wiener process. Then where V_t=f(W(t),tau) for 0<=tau=T-t<=T, and f in C^(2,1)((0,infty)×[0,T]). Note that while Ito's lemma was proved by Kiyoshi Ito (also ...
The dimension d of any irreducible representation of a group G must be a divisor of the index of each maximal normal Abelian subgroup of G. Note that while Itô's theorem was ...
Q_n^((alpha,beta))(x)=2^(-n-1)(x-1)^(-alpha)(x+1)^(-beta) ×int_(-1)^1(1-t)^(n+alpha)(1+t)^(n+beta)(x-t)^(-n-1)dt. In the exceptional case n=0, alpha+beta+1=0, a nonconstant ...
Let f(x) be a real entire function of the form f(x)=sum_(k=0)^inftygamma_k(x^k)/(k!), (1) where the gamma_ks are positive and satisfy Turán's inequalities ...
