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Also called the ménage problem. In how many ways can n married couples be seated around a circular table in such a manner than there is always one man between two women and ...
A double bubble is pair of bubbles which intersect and are separated by a membrane bounded by the intersection. The usual double bubble is illustrated in the left figure ...
The logarithmic spiral is a spiral whose polar equation is given by r=ae^(btheta), (1) where r is the distance from the origin, theta is the angle from the x-axis, and a and ...
The associated Stirling numbers of the first kind d_2(n,k)=d(n,k) are defined as the number of permutations of a given number n having exactly k permutation cycles, all of ...
There are a number of slightly different definitions of the Fresnel integrals. In physics, the Fresnel integrals denoted C(u) and S(u) are most often defined by C(u)+iS(u) = ...
An adaptive Gaussian quadrature method for numerical integration in which error is estimation based on evaluation at special points known as "Kronrod points." By suitably ...
The 60 Pascal lines of a hexagon inscribed in a conic intersect three at a time through 20 Steiner points, and also three at a time in 60 points known as Kirkman points. Each ...
A root-finding algorithm which converges to a complex root from any starting position. To motivate the formula, consider an nth order polynomial and its derivatives, P_n(x) = ...
The middle layer graph of order n is the graph whose vertex set consists of all bitstrings of length 2n+1 that have exactly n or n+1 entries equal to 1, with an edge between ...
A multiple integral is a set of integrals taken over n>1 variables, e.g., int...int_()_(n)f(x_1,...,x_n)dx_1...dx_n. An nth-order integral corresponds, in general, to an ...
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