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A formal extension of the hypergeometric function to two variables, resulting in four kinds of functions (Appell 1925; Picard 1880ab, 1881; Goursat 1882; Whittaker and Watson ...
An initial point that provides safe convergence of Newton's method (Smale 1981; Petković et al. 1997, p. 1).
For positive numbers a and b with a!=b, (a+b)/2>(b-a)/(lnb-lna)>sqrt(ab).
A vaguely defined branch of mathematics dealing with varieties, the Mordell conjecture, Arakelov theory, and elliptic curves.
An Artin L-function over the rationals Q encodes in a generating function information about how an irreducible monic polynomial over Z factors when reduced modulo each prime. ...
A series is called artistic if every three consecutive terms have a common three-way ratio P[a_i,a_(i+1),a_(i+2)]=((a_i+a_(i+1)+a_(i+2))a_(i+1))/(a_ia_(i+2)). A series is ...
An asymptote is a line or curve that approaches a given curve arbitrarily closely, as illustrated in the above diagram. The plot above shows 1/x, which has a vertical ...
The circle through the cusp of the arbelos and the tangent points of the first Pappus circle, which is congruent to the two Archimedes' circles. If AB=r and AC=1, then the ...
The triangle center with triangle center function alpha=A.
Suppose the harmonic series converges to h: sum_(k=1)^infty1/k=h. Then rearranging the terms in the sum gives h-1=h, which is a contradiction.
