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For any Abelian group G and any natural number n, there is a unique space (up to homotopy type) such that all homotopy groups except for the nth are trivial (including the ...
A family of functors H_n(·) from the category of pairs of topological spaces and continuous maps, to the category of Abelian groups and group homomorphisms satisfies the ...
Ein(z) = int_0^z((1-e^(-t))dt)/t (1) = E_1(z)+lnz+gamma, (2) where gamma is the Euler-Mascheroni constant and E_1 is the En-function with n=1.
The Einstein field equations are the 16 coupled hyperbolic-elliptic nonlinear partial differential equations that describe the gravitational effects produced by a given mass ...
The functions E_1(x) = (x^2e^x)/((e^x-1)^2) (1) E_2(x) = x/(e^x-1) (2) E_3(x) = ln(1-e^(-x)) (3) E_4(x) = x/(e^x-1)-ln(1-e^(-x)). (4) E_1(x) has an inflection point at (5) ...
Einstein summation is a notational convention for simplifying expressions including summations of vectors, matrices, and general tensors. There are essentially three rules of ...
G_(ab)=R_(ab)-1/2Rg_(ab), where R_(ab) is the Ricci curvature tensor, R is the scalar curvature, and g_(ab) is the metric tensor. (Wald 1984, pp. 40-41). It satisfies ...
The Eisenstein integers, sometimes also called the Eisenstein-Jacobi integers (Finch 2003, p. 601), are numbers of the form a+bomega, where a and b are normal integers, ...
Let omega be the cube root of unity (-1+isqrt(3))/2. Then the Eisenstein primes are Eisenstein integers, i.e., numbers of the form a+bomega for a and b integers, such that ...
An Eisenstein series with half-period ratio tau and index r is defined by G_r(tau)=sum^'_(m=-infty)^inftysum^'_(n=-infty)^infty1/((m+ntau)^r), (1) where the sum sum^(') ...
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