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A square matrix U is a special unitary matrix if UU^*=I, (1) where I is the identity matrix and U^* is the conjugate transpose matrix, and the determinant is detU=1. (2) The ...
A species of structures is a rule F which 1. Produces, for each finite set U, a finite set F[U], 2. Produces, for each bijection sigma:U->V, a function F[sigma]:F[U]->F[V]. ...
The probability that a statistical test will be negative for a negative statistic.
A graphical partitioning based on the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Laplacian matrix of a graph.
The natural norm induced by the L2-norm. Let A^(H) be the conjugate transpose of the square matrix A, so that (a_(ij))^(H)=(a^__(ji)), then the spectral norm is defined as ...
P_y(nu)=lim_(T->infty)2/T|int_(-T/2)^(T/2)[y(t)-y^_]e^(-2piinut)dt|^2, (1) so int_0^inftyP_y(nu)dnu = lim_(T->infty)1/Tint_(-T/2)^(T/2)[y(t)-y^_]^2dt (2) = <(y-y^_)^2> (3) = ...
Let A be an n×n matrix with complex or real elements with eigenvalues lambda_1, ..., lambda_n. Then the spectral radius rho(A) of A is rho(A)=max_(1<=i<=n)|lambda_i|, i.e., ...
The mean square deviation of the best local fit straight line to a staircase cumulative spectral density over a normalized energy scale.
A spectral sequence is a tool of homological algebra that has many applications in algebra, algebraic geometry, and algebraic topology. Roughly speaking, a spectral sequence ...
Let H be a Hilbert space, B(H) the set of bounded linear operators from H to itself, T an operator on H, and sigma(T) the operator spectrum of T. Then if T in B(H) and T is ...
