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The Riemann-Siegel integral formula is the following representation of the xi-function xi(s) found in Riemann's Nachlass by Bessel-Hagen in 1926 (Siegel 1932; Edwards 2001, ...
In his famous paper of 1859, Riemann stated that the number N(T) of Riemann zeta function zeros sigma+it with 0<t<=T is asymptotically given by ...
If two algebraic plane curves with only ordinary singular points and cusps are related such that the coordinates of a point on either are rational functions of a ...
The solution u(x,y)=int_0^xdxiint_1^yR(xi,eta;x,y)f(xi,eta)deta, where R(x,y;xieta) is the Riemann function of the linear Goursat problem with characteristics phi=psi=0 ...
There are a number of functions in various branches of mathematics known as Riemann functions. Examples include the Riemann P-series, Riemann-Siegel functions, Riemann theta ...
First published in Riemann's groundbreaking 1859 paper (Riemann 1859), the Riemann hypothesis is a deep mathematical conjecture which states that the nontrivial Riemann zeta ...
The Riemann integral is the definite integral normally encountered in calculus texts and used by physicists and engineers. Other types of integrals exist (e.g., the Lebesgue ...
Let z_0 be a point in a simply connected region R!=C, where C is the complex plane. Then there is a unique analytic function w=f(z) mapping R one-to-one onto the disk |w|<1 ...
The method for solving the Goursat problem and Cauchy problem for linear hyperbolic partial differential equations using a Riemann function.
The differential equation where alpha+alpha^'+beta+beta^'+gamma+gamma^'=1, first obtained in the form by Papperitz (1885; Barnes 1908). Solutions are Riemann P-series ...
