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221 - 230 of 1384 for area of the parabolaSearch Results

The dumbbell curve is the sextic curve a^4y^2=x^4(a^2-x^2). (1) It has area A=1/4pia^2 (2) and approximate arc length s approx 5.541a. (3) For the parametrization x = at (4) ...
The excentral-hexyl ellipse is the ellipse passing through vertices of the excentral and hexyl triangles (P. Moses, pers. comm., Jan. 29, 2005). It has center at the ...
A hexagrammic prism is a prism formed by two regular hexagrams offset along their symmetry axis and with corresponding edges connected by lateral faces. For an equilateral ...
The circumcircle of the Johnson triangle DeltaJ_AJ_BJ_C has center at the orthocenter H of the reference triangle and radius R, where R is the circumradius of the reference ...
A octagrammic prism is a prism formed by two regular octagrams offset along their symmetry axis and with corresponding edges connected by lateral faces. For an equilateral ...
A Pythagorean triangle is a right triangle with integer side lengths (i.e., whose side lengths (a,b,c) form a Pythagorean triple). A Pythagorean triangle with GCD(a,b,c)=1 is ...
Given a rectangle BCDE, draw EF=DE on an extension of BE. Bisect BF and call the midpoint G. Now draw a semicircle centered at G, and construct the extension of ED which ...
The space of currents arising from rectifiable sets by integrating a differential form is called the space of two-dimensional rectifiable currents. For C a closed bounded ...
The rectifiable sets include the image of any Lipschitz function f from planar domains into R^3. The full set is obtained by allowing arbitrary measurable subsets of ...
A triangle center is regular iff there is a triangle center function which is a polynomial in Delta, a, b, and c (where Delta is the area of the triangle) such that the ...
