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201 - 210 of 1384 for area of the parabolaSearch Results

A surface in 3-space can be parameterized by two variables (or coordinates) u and v such that x = x(u,v) (1) y = y(u,v) (2) z = z(u,v). (3) If a surface is parameterized as ...
Informally, a symplectic map is a map which preserves the sum of areas projected onto the set of (p_i,q_i) planes. It is the generalization of an area-preserving map. ...
Any partition of the plane into regions of equal area has perimeter at least that of the regular hexagonal grid (i.e., the honeycomb, illustrated above). Pappus refers to the ...
Measure theory is the study of measures. It generalizes the intuitive notions of length, area, and volume. The earliest and most important examples are Jordan measure and ...
The harmonic parameter of a polyhedron is the weighted mean of the distances d_i from a fixed interior point to the faces, where the weights are the areas A_i of the faces, ...
The study of the probabilities involved in geometric problems, e.g., the distributions of length, area, volume, etc. for geometric objects under stated conditions. The ...
The cycloid is the locus of a point on the rim of a circle of radius a rolling along a straight line. It was studied and named by Galileo in 1599. Galileo attempted to find ...
The adjective "affine" indicates everything that is related to the geometry of affine spaces. A coordinate system for the n-dimensional affine space R^n is determined by any ...
There are three types of so-called fundamental forms. The most important are the first and second (since the third can be expressed in terms of these). The fundamental forms ...
A 32-sided polygon. The regular icosidodecagon is a constructible polygon, and the regular icosidodecahedron of side length 1 has inradius r, circumradius R, and area A r = ...
