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A subring of a ring R is a subgroup of R that is closed under multiplication.
Let M be an oriented regular surface in R^3 with normal N. Then the support function of M is the function h:M->R defined by h(p)=p·N(p).
The space join of a topological space X and a pair of points S^0, Sigma(X)=X*S^0.
An irregular icosagon, also called the gammadion or fylfot, which symbolized good luck in ancient Arabic and Indian cultures. The mirror image of the above, sometimes called ...
A mathematical object is said to be symmetric if it is invariant ("looks the same") under a symmetry transformation. A function, matrix, etc., is symmetric if it remains ...
Informally, a symplectic map is a map which preserves the sum of areas projected onto the set of (p_i,q_i) planes. It is the generalization of an area-preserving map. ...
Let x be a point in an n-dimensional compact manifold M, and attach at x a copy of R^n tangential to M. The resulting structure is called the tangent space of M at x and is ...
2^(40)=1024^4=1099511627776 bytes. Although the term terabyte is sometimes used to refer to 1024^4 bytes, such usage is deprecated in favor of the standard SI naming ...
In a category C, a terminal object is an object T in Ob(C) such that for any other object X in Ob(C), there is one, and only one morphism from X to T.
The dual polyhedron of the cubitruncated cuboctahedron U_(16) and Wenninger dual W_(79).
