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A map projection. The inverse equations for phi are computed by iteration. Let the angle of the projection plane be theta_b. Define a={0 for theta_b=1/2pi; ...
A field K is said to be algebraically closed if every polynomial with coefficients in K has a root in K.
A transformation in which vectors are transformed in a fixed coordinate system. In contrast, a transformation in which the coordinate system is changed, leaving vectors in ...
An anchor is the bundle map rho from a vector bundle A to the tangent bundle TB satisfying 1. [rho(X),rho(Y)]=rho([X,Y]) and 2. [X,phiY]=phi[X,Y]+(rho(X)·phi)Y, where X and Y ...
An angle theta drawn on the coordinate plane is said to be in standard position if its initial side lies on the positive x-axis so that its vertex coincides with the origin ...
A unit of angular measure equal to 60 arc seconds, or 1/60 of a degree. The arc minute is denoted ^' (not to be confused with the symbol for feet).
Given a group action G×F->F and a principal bundle pi:A->M, the associated fiber bundle on M is pi^~:A×F/G->M. (1) In particular, it is the quotient space A×F/G where ...
The augmented dodecahedron is Johnson solid J_(58), which is formed from augmentation of one of the faces of the regular dodecahedron by an equilateral pentagonal pyramid. It ...
An augmented polyhedron is a polyhedron formed from a base polyhedron via the augmentation operation on one or more of its faces. Augmentation is implemented under the ...
The augmented sphenocorona is Johnson solid J_(87), which is formed from augmentation of one of the square faces of the sphenocorona by an equilateral square pyramid. The ...
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