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A cupolarotunda in which the bases are in the same orientation.
The image of the path gamma in C under the function f is called the trace. This usage of the term "trace" is unrelated to the same term applied to matrices or tensors.
A fractal process for which H>1/2, so r>0.
A tensor g whose discriminant satisfies g=g_(11)g_(22)-g_(12)^2>0.
A measure that takes on real values.
A relation R on a set S is reflexive provided that xRx for every x in S.
One out of a set of identical observations in a given experiment under identical conditions.
Euclidean n-space is denoted R^n.
A long division in which most or all of the digits are replaced by a symbol (usually asterisks) to form a cryptarithmetic.
The continuous image of a Polish space, also called an analytic set.
