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A game described by Scarne which is played on a 5×5 board by two players who alternate placing, one at a time, their four counters each, after which the counters are moved ...
The tetrix is the three-dimensional analog of the Sierpiński sieve illustrated above, also called the Sierpiński sponge or Sierpiński tetrahedron. The nth iteration of the ...
An exponential sum of the form sum_(n=1)^Ne^(2piiP(n)), (1) where P(n) is a real polynomial (Weyl 1914, 1916; Montgomery 2001). Writing e(theta)=e^(2piitheta), (2) a notation ...
A sequence {x_1,x_2,...} is equidistributed iff lim_(N->infty)1/Nsum_(n<N)e^(2piimx_n)=0 for each m=1, 2, .... A consequence of this result is that the sequence {frac(nx)} is ...
Given a Hilbert space H, a *-subalgebra A of B(H) is said to be a von Neumann algebra in H provided that A is equal to its bicommutant A^('') (Dixmier 1981). Here, B(H) ...
The mathematical study of the likelihood and probability of events occurring based on known information and inferred by taking a limited number of samples. Statistics plays ...
The term analysis is used in two ways in mathematics. It describes both the discipline of which calculus is a part and one form of abstract logic theory. Analysis is the ...
An apodization function (also called a tapering function or window function) is a function used to smoothly bring a sampled signal down to zero at the edges of the sampled ...
In general, "a" calculus is an abstract theory developed in a purely formal way. "The" calculus, more properly called analysis (or real analysis or, in older literature, ...
There are no fewer than three distinct notions of curve throughout mathematics. In topology, a curve is a one-dimensional continuum (Charatonik and Prajs 2001). In algebraic ...
