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Let y_n be a complex number for 1<=n<=N and let y_n=0 if n<1 or n>N. Then (Montgomery 2001).
If for each positive integer h, the sequence {u_(n+h)-u_n} is uniformly distributed (mod 1), then the sequence {u_n} is uniformly distributed (mod 1) (Montgomery 2001).
An algorithm originally described by Barnsley in 1988. Pick a point at random inside a regular n-gon. Then draw the next point a fraction r of the distance between it and a ...
The Fields Medals are commonly regarded as mathematics' closest analog to the Nobel Prize (which does not exist in mathematics), and are awarded every four years by the ...
There are at least two maps known as the Hénon map. The first is the two-dimensional dissipative quadratic map given by the coupled equations x_(n+1) = 1-alphax_n^2+y_n (1) ...
The Hilbert curve is a Lindenmayer system invented by Hilbert (1891) whose limit is a plane-filling function which fills a square. Traversing the polyhedron vertices of an ...
Let R(z) be a rational function R(z)=(P(z))/(Q(z)), (1) where z in C^*, C^* is the Riemann sphere C union {infty}, and P and Q are polynomials without common divisors. The ...
Abstract algebra is the set of advanced topics of algebra that deal with abstract algebraic structures rather than the usual number systems. The most important of these ...
A function representable as a generalized Fourier series. Let R be a metric space with metric rho(x,y). Following Bohr (1947), a continuous function x(t) for (-infty<t<infty) ...
An axis is a line with respect to which a curve or figure is drawn, measured, rotated, etc. The most common axes encountered are commonly the mutually perpendicular Cartesian ...
