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71 - 80 of 157 for Zermelo Fraenkel AxiomsSearch Results

A proposition is a mathematical statement such as "3 is greater than 4," "an infinite set exists," or "7 is prime." An axiom is a proposition that is assumed to be true. With ...
Building on work of Huntington (1933ab), Robbins conjectured that the equations for a Robbins algebra, commutativity, associativity, and the Robbins axiom !(!(x v y) v !(x v ...
A product space product_(i in I)X_i is compact iff X_i is compact for all i in I. In other words, the topological product of any number of compact spaces is compact. In ...
Hilbert's problems are a set of (originally) unsolved problems in mathematics proposed by Hilbert. Of the 23 total appearing in the printed address, ten were actually ...
The fifth of Peano's axioms, which states: If a set S of numbers contains zero and also the successor of every number in S, then every number is in S.
Given a set S with a subset E, the complement (denoted E^' or E^_) of E with respect to S is defined as E^'={F:F in S,F not in E}. (1) Using set difference notation, the ...
A basis for the real numbers R, considered as a vector space over the rationals Q, i.e., a set of real numbers {U_alpha} such that every real number beta has a unique ...
The proof theories of propositional calculus and first-order logic are often referred to as classical logic. Intuitionistic propositional logic can be described as classical ...
A short theorem used in proving a larger theorem. Related concepts are the axiom, porism, postulate, principle, and theorem. The late mathematician P. Erdős has often been ...
Conditions arising in the study of the Robbins axiom and its connection with Boolean algebra. Winkler studied Boolean conditions (such as idempotence or existence of a zero) ...
