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For an atomic integral domain R (i.e., one in which every nonzero nonunit can be factored as a product of irreducible elements) with I(R) the set of irreducible elements, the ...
Given a Jacobi amplitude phi in an elliptic integral, the argument u is defined by the relation phi=am(u,k). It is related to the elliptic integral of the first kind F(u,k) ...
The real projective plane with elliptic metric where the distance between two points P and Q is defined as the radian angle between the projection of the points on the ...
The Elsasser function is defined by the integral E(y,u)=int_(-1/2)^(1/2)exp[-(2piyusinh(2piy))/(cosh(2piy)-cos(2pix))]dx. (1) Special values include E(0,u) = 1 (2) E(y,0) = ...
An estimator is a rule that tells how to calculate an estimate based on the measurements contained in a sample. For example, the sample mean x^_ is an estimator for the ...
The bias of an estimator theta^~ is defined as B(theta^~)=<theta^~>-theta. (1) It is therefore true that theta^~-theta = (theta^~-<theta^~>)+(<theta^~>-theta) (2) = ...
A ring without zero divisors in which an integer norm and an associated division algorithm (i.e., a Euclidean algorithm) can be defined. For signed integers, the usual norm ...
A quantity is said to be exact if it has a precise and well-defined value. J. W. Tukey remarked in 1962, "Far better an approximate answer to the right question, which is ...
A 1-form w is said to be exact in a region R if there is a function f that is defined and of class C^1 (i.e., is once continuously differentiable in R) and such that df=w.
The exsecant is a little-used trigonometric function defined by excsc(x)=cscx-1, where cscx is the cosecant.
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