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Let L=<L, v , ^ > and K=<K, v , ^ > be lattices, and let h:L->K. Then h is a lattice homomorphism if and only if for any a,b in L, h(a v b)=h(a) v h(b) and h(a ^ b)=h(a) ^ ...
The Lerch transcendent is generalization of the Hurwitz zeta function and polylogarithm function. Many sums of reciprocal powers can be expressed in terms of it. It is ...
A linear recurrence equation is a recurrence equation on a sequence of numbers {x_n} expressing x_n as a first-degree polynomial in x_k with k<n. For example ...
Liouville's constant, sometimes also called Liouville's number, is the real number defined by L=sum_(n=1)^infty10^(-n!)=0.110001000000000000000001... (OEIS A012245). ...
In the fields of functional and harmonic analysis, the Littlewood-Paley decomposition is a particular way of decomposing the phase plane which takes a single function and ...
The Lyapunov characteristic exponent [LCE] gives the rate of exponential divergence from perturbed initial conditions. To examine the behavior of an orbit around a point ...
Macdonald's plane partition conjecture proposes a formula for the number of cyclically symmetric plane partitions (CSPPs) of a given integer whose Ferrers diagrams fit inside ...
The number M_2(n) = 1/nsum_(k=1)^(n^2)k (1) = 1/2n(n^2+1) (2) to which the n numbers in any horizontal, vertical, or main diagonal line must sum in a magic square. The first ...
A function that arises in performance analysis of partially coherent, differentially coherent, and noncoherent communications. The generalized Marcum Q-function is defined by ...
A matching, also called an independent edge set, on a graph G is a set of edges of G such that no two sets share a vertex in common. It is not possible for a matching on a ...