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971 - 980 of 1908 for Vector Space SpanSearch Results
A space-filling function which maps a one-dimensional interval into a two-dimensional area. Plane-filling functions were thought to be impossible until Hilbert discovered the ...
The ten-of-diamonds decahedron is a stereohedron and space-filling polyhedron on 8 vertices, 16 edges, and 10 faces (8 of which are non-equilateral triangles and two of which ...
The x- (horizontal) coordinate of a point in a two dimensional coordinate system. Physicists and astronomers sometimes use the term to refer to the axis itself instead of the ...
A topology is given by a collection of subsets of a topological space X. The smallest topology has two open sets, the empty set emptyset and X. The largest topology contains ...
Let (X,B,mu) be a measure space and let E be a measurable set with mu(E)<infty. Let {f_n} be a sequence of measurable functions on E such that each f_n is finite almost ...
Let E and F be paired spaces with S a family of absolutely convex bounded sets of F such that the sets of S generate F and, if B_1,B_2 in S, then there exists a B_3 in S such ...
A topological space X has a one-point compactification if and only if it is locally compact. To see a part of this, assume Y is compact, y in Y, X=Y\{y} and x in X. Let C be ...
An n-dimensional open ball of radius r is the collection of points of distance less than r from a fixed point in Euclidean n-space. Explicitly, the open ball with center x ...
An n-dimensional open disk of radius r is the collection of points of distance less than r from a fixed point in Euclidean n-space. Krantz (1999, p. 3) uses the symbol D(x,r) ...
The topology induced by a topological space X on a subset S. The open sets of S are the intersections S intersection U, where U is an open set of X. For example, in the ...
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