Search Results for "Vector Space Span"
841 - 850 of 1908 for Vector Space SpanSearch Results

A stereohedron is a convex polyhedron that is isohedrally space-filling, meaning the symmetries of a tiling of copies of a stereohedron take any copy to any other copy. The ...
A list of five properties of a topological space X expressing how rich the "population" of open sets is. More precisely, each of them tells us how tightly a closed subset can ...
A barrel solid of revolution composed of parallel circular top and bottom with a common axis and a side formed by a smooth curve symmetrical about the midplane. The term also ...
A letter of the alphabet drawn with doubled vertical strokes is called doublestruck, or sometimes blackboard bold (because doublestruck characters provide a means of ...
Noncommutative topology is a recent program having important and deep applications in several branches of mathematics and mathematical physics. Because every commutative ...
There are no fewer than three distinct notions of curve throughout mathematics. In topology, a curve is a one-dimensional continuum (Charatonik and Prajs 2001). In algebraic ...
In general, an arrangement of objects is simply a grouping of them. The number of "arrangements" of n items is given either by a combination (order is ignored) or permutation ...
Chain equivalences give an equivalence relation on the space of chain homomorphisms. Two chain complexes are chain equivalent if there are chain maps phi:C_*->D_* and ...
An n-dimensional closed disk of radius r is the collection of points of distance <=r from a fixed point in n-dimensional Euclidean space. Krantz (1999, p. 3) uses the symbol ...
Let gamma(t) be a smooth curve in a manifold M from x to y with gamma(0)=x and gamma(1)=y. Then gamma^'(t) in T_(gamma(t)), where T_x is the tangent space of M at x. The ...