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A representation of a C^*-algebra A is a pair (H,phi) where H is a Hilbert space and phi:A->B(H) is a *-homomorphism. (H,phi) is said to be faithful if phi is injective. For ...
A smooth curve is a curve which is a smooth function, where the word "curve" is interpreted in the analytic geometry context. In particular, a smooth curve is a continuous ...
Every smooth nonzero vector field on the 3-sphere has at least one closed orbit. The conjecture was proposed in 1950 and proved true for Hopf maps. The conjecture was ...
Informally, an L^2-function is a function f:X->R that is square integrable, i.e., |f|^2=int_X|f|^2dmu with respect to the measure mu, exists (and is finite), in which case ...
Let S be a subset of a metric space. Then the set S is open if every point in S has a neighborhood lying in the set. An open set of radius r and center x_0 is the set of all ...
Two lines in two-dimensional Euclidean space are said to be parallel if they do not intersect. In three-dimensional Euclidean space, parallel lines not only fail to ...
The identity element of an additive group G, usually denoted 0. In the additive group of vectors, the additive identity is the zero vector 0, in the additive group of ...
Let A be a matrix and x and b vectors. Then the system Ax=b, x>=0 has no solution iff the system A^(T)y>=0, b^(T)y<0 has a solution, where y is a vector (Fang and Puthenpura ...
A geodesic triangle with oriented boundary yields a curve which is piecewise differentiable. Furthermore, the tangent vector varies continuously at all but the three corner ...
A left eigenvector is defined as a row vector X_L satisfying X_LA=lambda_LX_L. In many common applications, only right eigenvectors (and not left eigenvectors) need be ...
