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Lorentzian n-space is the inner product space consisting of the vector space R^n together with the n-dimensional Lorentzian inner product. In the event that the (1,n-1) ...
There are at least two distinct notions of linear space throughout mathematics. The term linear space is most commonly used within functional analysis as a synonym of the ...
Let x be a point in an n-dimensional compact manifold M, and attach at x a copy of R^n tangential to M. The resulting structure is called the tangent space of M at x and is ...
The vector space generated by the columns of a matrix viewed as vectors. The column space of an n×m matrix A with real entries is a subspace generated by m elements of R^n, ...
Let X be a normed space and X^(**)=(X^*)^* denote the second dual vector space of X. The canonical map x|->x^^ defined by x^^(f)=f(x),f in X^* gives an isometric linear ...
The normal vector, often simply called the "normal," to a surface is a vector which is perpendicular to the surface at a given point. When normals are considered on closed ...
A complete metric space is a metric space in which every Cauchy sequence is convergent. Examples include the real numbers with the usual metric, the complex numbers, ...
Vector subtraction is the process of taking a vector difference, and is the inverse operation to vector addition.
A vector difference is the result of subtracting one vector from another. A vector difference is denoted using the normal minus sign, i.e., the vector difference of vectors A ...
Given a principal bundle pi:A->M, with fiber a Lie group G and base manifold M, and a group representation of G, say phi:G×V->V, then the associated vector bundle is ...
