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The maximum distance between n points in three dimensions can occur no more than 2n-2 times. Also, there exists a fixed number c such that no distance determined by a set of ...
Given an m×n matrix A, the fundamental theorem of linear algebra is a collection of results relating various properties of the four fundamental matrix subspaces of A. In ...
A flow line for a map on a vector field F is a path sigma(t) such that sigma^'(t)=F(sigma(t)).
The jerk j is defined as the time derivative of the vector acceleration a, j=(da)/(dt).
A principal bundle is a special case of a fiber bundle where the fiber is a group G. More specifically, G is usually a Lie group. A principal bundle is a total space E along ...
A sum of the elements from some set with constant coefficients placed in front of each. For example, a linear combination of the vectors x, y, and z is given by ax+by+cz, ...
The bracket polynomial is one-variable knot polynomial related to the Jones polynomial. The bracket polynomial, however, is not a topological invariant, since it is changed ...
If any set of points is displaced by X^idx_i where all distance relationships are unchanged (i.e., there is an isometry), then the vector field is called a Killing vector. ...
A typical vector (i.e., a vector such as the radius vector r) is transformed to its negative under inversion of its coordinate axes. Such "proper" vectors are known as polar ...
A linear system of equations is a set of n linear equations in k variables (sometimes called "unknowns"). Linear systems can be represented in matrix form as the matrix ...
