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1261 - 1270 of 1908 for Vector Space SpanSearch Results
The Laplacian for a scalar function phi is a scalar differential operator defined by (1) where the h_i are the scale factors of the coordinate system (Weinberg 1972, p. 109; ...
An alternating knot is a knot which possesses a knot diagram in which crossings alternate between under- and overpasses. Not all knot diagrams of alternating knots need be ...
The convex hull of a set of points S in n dimensions is the intersection of all convex sets containing S. For N points p_1, ..., p_N, the convex hull C is then given by the ...
The geodesics on a general cylinder generated by lines parallel to a line l with which the tangent makes a constant angle.
A spherical image of a curve. The most common indicatrix is Dupin's indicatrix.
The differential equation obtained by applying the biharmonic operator and setting to zero: del ^4phi=0. (1) In Cartesian coordinates, the biharmonic equation is del ^4phi = ...
A coordinate system composed of intersecting surfaces. If the intersections are all at right angles, then the curvilinear coordinates are said to form an orthogonal ...
n vectors X_1, X_2, ..., X_n are linearly dependent iff there exist scalars c_1, c_2, ..., c_n, not all zero, such that sum_(i=1)^nc_iX_i=0. (1) If no such scalars exist, ...
In particle physics, a spinor field of order 2s describes a particle of spin s, where s is an integer or half-integer. Therefore, a spinor of order 4s contains as much ...
A divergenceless field can be partitioned into a toroidal and a poloidal part. This separation is important in geo- and heliophysics, and in particular in dynamo theory and ...
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