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861 - 870 of 1064 for Variability, standard deviation, and ran...Search Results
The Fano plane is the configuration consisting of the two-dimensional finite projective plane over GF(2) ("of order two"), illustrated above. It is a block design with nu=7, ...
A root-finding method which was among the most popular methods for finding roots of univariate polynomials in the 19th and 20th centuries. It was invented independently by ...
A matching, also called an independent edge set, on a graph G is a set of edges of G such that no two sets share a vertex in common. It is not possible for a matching on a ...
The largest value of a set, function, etc. The maximum value of a set of elements A={a_i}_(i=1)^N is denoted maxA or max_(i)a_i, and is equal to the last element of a sorted ...
Consider the Euler product zeta(s)=product_(k=1)^infty1/(1-1/(p_k^s)), (1) where zeta(s) is the Riemann zeta function and p_k is the kth prime. zeta(1)=infty, but taking the ...
Mills (1947) proved the existence of a real constant A such that |_A^(3^n)_| (1) is prime for all integers n>=1, where |_x_| is the floor function. Mills (1947) did not, ...
The smallest value of a set, function, etc. The minimum value of a set of elements A={a_i}_(i=1)^N is denoted minA or min_(i)a_i, and is equal to the first element of a ...
An extremely fast factorization method developed by Pollard which was used to factor the RSA-130 number. This method is the most powerful known for factoring general numbers, ...
The Pasch graph is the Levi graph of the Pasch configuration. The Pasch graph is edge-transitive but not vertex-transitive, but fails to be semisymmetric since it is not ...
Percolation theory deals with fluid flow (or any other similar process) in random media. If the medium is a set of regular lattice points, then there are two main types of ...
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