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Let G=(V,E) be a finite graph, let Omega be the set Omega={0,1}^E whose members are vectors omega=(omega(e):e in E), and let F be the sigma-algebra of all subsets of Omega. A ...
A set T of integers is said to be recursively enumerable if it constitutes the range of a recursive function, i.e., if there exists a recursive function that can eventually ...
A number n such that sigma^2(n)=sigma(sigma(n))=2n, where sigma(n) is the divisor function is called a superperfect number. Even superperfect numbers are just 2^(p-1), where ...
Let a spherical triangle have sides a, b, and c with A, B, and C the corresponding opposite angles. Then (sin[1/2(a-b)])/(sin(1/2c)) = (sin[1/2(A-B)])/(cos(1/2C)) (1) ...
The inverse function of the Gudermannian y=gd^(-1)phi gives the vertical position y in the Mercator projection in terms of the latitude phi and may be defined for 0<=x<pi/2 ...
Let a spherical triangle have sides a, b, and c with A, B, and C the corresponding opposite angles. Then (sin[1/2(A-B)])/(sin[1/2(A+B)]) = (tan[1/2(a-b)])/(tan(1/2c)) (1) ...
The path traced out by a fixed point at a radius b>a, where a is the radius of a rolling circle, also sometimes called an extended cycloid. The prolate cycloid contains ...
Also known as the Leibniz criterion. An alternating series converges if a_1>=a_2>=... and lim_(k->infty)a_k=0.
The azimuthal angle is an angle measured from the x-axis in the xy-plane in spherical coordinates, denoted theta in this work.
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