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cos(pi/(10)) = 1/4sqrt(10+2sqrt(5)) (1) cos((3pi)/(10)) = 1/4sqrt(10-2sqrt(5)) (2) cot(pi/(10)) = sqrt(5+2sqrt(5)) (3) cot((3pi)/(10)) = sqrt(5-2sqrt(5)) (4) csc(pi/(10)) = ...
Construction of the angle pi/3=60 degrees produces a 30-60-90 triangle, which has angles theta=pi/3 and theta/2=pi/6. From the above diagram, write y=sintheta for the ...
Construction of the angle pi/6=30 degrees produces a 30-60-90 triangle, which has angles theta=pi/6 and 2theta=pi/3. From the above diagram, write y=sintheta for the vertical ...
cos(pi/8) = 1/2sqrt(2+sqrt(2)) (1) cos((3pi)/8) = 1/2sqrt(2-sqrt(2)) (2) cot(pi/8) = 1+sqrt(2) (3) cot((3pi)/8) = sqrt(2)-1 (4) csc(pi/8) = sqrt(4+2sqrt(2)) (5) csc((3pi)/8) ...
A function A such that B=del xA. The most common use of a vector potential is the representation of a magnetic field. If a vector field has zero divergence, it may be ...
Given two intersecting lines, the two nonadjacent angles with the same vertex are said to be vertical angles. One can easily prove that vertical angles are congruent. Some ...
Comprehensive encyclopedia of mathematics with 13,000 detailed entries. Continually updated, extensively illustrated, and with interactive examples.
delta(x-t)=sum_(n=0)^inftyphi_n(x)phi_n(t), where delta(x) is the delta function.
The common logarithm is the logarithm to base 10. The notation logx is used by physicists, engineers, and calculator keypads to denote the common logarithm. However, ...
The square torus is the quotient of the plane by the integer lattice.
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