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For a countable set of n disjoint events E_1, E_2, ..., E_n P( union _(i=1)^nE_i)=sum_(i=1)^nP(E_i).
A set whose members index (label) members of another set. For example, in the set A= union _(k in K)A_k, the set K is an index set of the set A.
A submodule S of a module M such that for any proper submodule T of M, the submodule generated by S union T is not the entire module M. S is also called superfluous submodule.
If sets E and F are independent, then so are E and F^', where F^' is the complement of F (i.e., the set of all possible outcomes not contained in F). Let union denote "or" ...
Let q be a positive integer, then Gamma_0(q) is defined as the set of all matrices [a b; c d] in the modular group Gamma Gamma with c=0 (mod q). Gamma_0(q) is a subgroup of ...
The theorem in set theory and logic that for all sets A and B, B=(A intersection B^_) union (B intersection A^_)<=>A=emptyset, (1) where A^_ denotes complement set of A and ...
In nonstandard analysis, the limitation to first-order analysis can be avoided by using a construction known as a superstructure. Superstructures are constructed in the ...
The upper half-plane is the portion of the complex plane {x+iy:x,y in (-infty,infty)} satisfying y=I[z]>0 i.e., {x+iy:x in (-infty,infty),y in (0,infty)}. Common notations ...
The Riemann sphere C^*=C union {infty}, also called the extended complex plane. The notation C^^ is sometimes also used (Krantz 1999, p. 82). The notation C^* is also used to ...
Giving a set F={f_1,f_2,...,f_n} of contracting similitudes of R^l, the closed set E is said to be subselfsimilar for F if E subset union _(i=1)^nf_i(E) (Falconer 1995, ...
