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31 - 40 of 445 for Triaugmented Hexagonal PrismSearch Results
A hexagonal grid is a grid formed by a tessellation of regular hexagons. Boards made of hexagonal grids are often found in strategy and role-playing games because of the lack ...
An irregular dodecahedron which is also a trapezohedron.
An n-gonal pyramid adjoined to an n-gonal prism.
A k×m×n hexagonal grid graph is a graph of adjoined hexagons consisting of k hexagons along the horizontal triangular axis, m along the northeast axis, and n along the ...
A number which is simultaneously pentagonal and hexagonal. Let P_n denote the nth pentagonal number and H_m the mth hexagonal number, then a number which is both pentagonal ...
Let H_n denote the nth hexagonal number and S_m the mth square number, then a number which is both hexagonal and square satisfies the equation H_n=S_m, or n(2n-1)=m^2. (1) ...
A number which is simultaneously octagonal and hexagonal. Let O_n denote the nth octagonal number and H_m the mth hexagonal number, then a number which is both octagonal and ...
Johnson solid J_(50).
A pyramidal number of the form n(n+1)(4n-1)/6, The first few are 1, 7, 22, 50, 95, ... (OEIS A002412). The generating function of the hexagonal pyramidal numbers is ...
A number which is simultaneously a heptagonal number Hep_n and hexagonal number Hex_m. Such numbers exist when 1/2n(5n-3)=m(2m-1). (1) Completing the square and rearranging ...
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