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211 - 220 of 445 for Triaugmented Hexagonal PrismSearch Results
A sphere with four punctures occurring where a knot passes through the surface.
The transitive reflexive reduction of a partial order. An element z of a partially ordered set (X,<=) covers another element x provided that there exists no third element y ...
The symbol | most commonly used to denote the adjoint operator. The dagger is also known as the obelisk, obelus, or long cross (Bringhurst 1997, p. 275).
Let A be any algebra over a field F, and define a derivation of A as a linear operator D on A satisfying (xy)D=(xD)y+x(yD) for all x,y in A. Then the set D(A) of all ...
R^n is homeomorphic to R^m iff n=m. This theorem was first proved by Brouwer.
A perspective collineation in which the center and axis are incident.
A function which arises in the fractional integral of e^(at), given by E_t(nu,a) = (e^(at))/(Gamma(nu))int_0^tx^(nu-1)e^(-ax)dx (1) = (a^(-nu)e^(at)gamma(nu,at))/(Gamma(nu)), ...
Let four lines in a plane represent four roads in general position, and let one traveler T_i be walking along each road at a constant (but not necessarily equal to any other ...
The partial differential equation u_t=(1+ia)u_(xx)+(1+ic)u-(1+id)|u|^2u.
A polygonal number of the form n(5n-3)/2. The first few are 1, 7, 18, 34, 55, 81, 112, ... (OEIS A000566). The generating function for the heptagonal numbers is ...
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