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A n-dipyramidal graph is the skeleton of an n-sided dipyramid. It is isomorphic to the (m,2)-cone graph C_m+K^__2, where C_m is a cycle graph, K^__2 is the empty graph on 2 ...
The mean distance of a (connected) graph is the mean of the elements of its graph distance matrix. Closed forms for some classes of named graphs are given in the following ...
Attractive compounds of four octahedra can be constructed as the duals of the cube 4-compounds. These compounds will be implemented in a future version of the Wolfram ...
The pentagrammic crossed antiprism is the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 80 (Maeder 1997), Coxeter index 35 (Coxeter et al. 1954), and Har'El index 5 (Har'El 1993). It ...
A regular polygram {n/k} is generalization of a (regular) polygon on n sides (i.e., an n-gon) obtained by connecting every ith vertex around a circle with every (i+k)th, ...
A number of attractive tetrahedron 6-compounds can be constructed. The first compound (left figures) is obtained by combining three stella octangula. A second can be obtained ...
A truncated polyhedron is a polyhedron with truncated faces, given by the Schläfli symbol t{p; q}. The operation implemented as Truncate[polyhedron, r] in the Wolfram ...
The n-wheel complement graph W^__n is the graph complement of the n-wheel graph. For n>4, W^__n is isomorphic to the graph disjoint union of a circulant graph ...
An Aztec diamond of order n is the region obtained from four staircase shapes of height n by gluing them together along the straight edges. It can therefore be defined as the ...
The above two figures are rearrangements of each other, with the corresponding triangles and polyominoes having the same areas. Nevertheless, the bottom figure has an area ...
