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An idealized computing machine consisting of a fixed set of data registers and set of instructions for operating on them. Register machines are also known as counter machines ...
A method for fitting a curve (not necessarily a straight line) through a set of points using some goodness-of-fit criterion. The most common type of regression is linear ...
The regular dodecagon, illustrated above, is the constructible 12-sided regular polygon that can be denoted using the Schläfli symbol {12}. The Australian 50-cent piece is ...
Regular expressions define formal languages as sets of strings over a finite alphabet. Let sigma denote a selected alphabet. Then emptyset is a regular expression that ...
The regular hendecagon is the regular polygon with 11 sides, as illustrated above, and has Schläfli symbol {11}. The regular hendecagon cannot be constructed using the ...
The regular nonagon is the regular polygon with nine sides and Schläfli symbol {9}. The regular nonagon cannot be constructed using the classical Greek rules of geometric ...
A regular number, also called a finite decimal (Havil 2003, p. 25), is a positive number that has a finite decimal expansion. A number such as 1/3=0.33333... which is not ...
The regular octagon is the regular polygon with eight sides, as illustrated above. The inradius r, circumradius R, and area A of the regular octagon can be computed directly ...
A regular patch is a patch x:U->R^n for which the Jacobian J(x)(u,v) has rank 2 for all (u,v) in U. A patch is said to be regular at a point (u_0,v_0) in U provided that its ...
A prime which does not divide the class number h(p) of the cyclotomic field obtained by adjoining a primitive pth root of unity to the field of rationals. A prime p is ...
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