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A block matrix is a matrix that is defined using smaller matrices, called blocks. For example, [A B; C D], (1) where A, B, C, and D are themselves matrices, is a block ...
The set of all zero-systems of a group G is denoted B(G) and is called the block monoid of G since it forms a commutative monoid under the operation of zero-system addition ...
The blow-up lemma essentially says that regular pairs in Szemerédi's regularity lemma behave like complete bipartite graphs from the point of view of embedding bounded degree ...
An extremal graph in which the forced triangles are all the same color. Call R the number of red monochromatic forced triangles and B the number of blue monochromatic forced ...
The Bôcher Memorial Prize is awarded by the American Mathematical Society every five years for notable research in analysis that has appeared in a recognized North American ...
The finite zeros of the derivative r^'(z) of a nonconstant rational function r(z) that are not multiple zeros of r(z) are the positions of equilibrium in the field of force ...
A quartic surface which can be constructed as follows. Given a circle C and plane E perpendicular to the plane of C, move a second circle K of the same radius as C through ...
If f has no spectrum in [-lambda,lambda], then ||f||_infty<=pi/(2lambda)||f^'||_infty (1) (Bohr 1935). A related inequality states that if A_k is the class of functions such ...
The term Bol loop refers to either of two classes of algebraic loops satisfying the so-called Bol identities. In particular, a left Bol loop is an algebraic loop L which, for ...
A pair of vertices (x,y) of a graph G is called an omega-critical pair if omega(G+xy)>omega(G), where G+xy denotes the graph obtained by adding the edge xy to G and omega(H) ...
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