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An order-n Costas array is a permutation on {1,...,n} such that the distances in each row of the triangular difference table are distinct. For example, the permutation ...
The cotangent function cotz is the function defined by cotz = 1/(tanz) (1) = (i(e^(iz)+e^(-iz)))/(e^(iz)-e^(-iz)) (2) = (i(e^(2iz)+1))/(e^(2iz)-1), (3) where tanz is the ...
The cross graph is the 6-vertex tree illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["CrossGraph"].
If a, b, c, and d are points in the extended complex plane C^*, their cross ratio, also called the cross-ratio (Courant and Robbins 1996, p. 172; Durell 1928, p. 73), ...
A n-crossed prism graph for positive even n (a term introduced here for the first time), is a graph obtained by taking two disjoint cycle graphs C_n and adding edges ...
The cube-connected cycle graph of order n is the graph obtained by replacing each vertex in a n-dimensional hypercube by a cycle of length n. They were introduced by ...
There are a number of attractive polyhedron compounds consisting of five cubes. The first of these (left figures) consists of the arrangement of five cubes in the polyhedron ...
A cube can be divided into n subcubes for only n=1, 8, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29, 34, 36, 38, 39, 41, 43, 45, 46, and n>=48 (OEIS A014544; Hadwiger 1946; Scott 1947; Gardner 1992, ...
The average distance between two points chosen at random inside a unit cube (the n=3 case of hypercube line picking), sometimes known as the Robbins constant, is Delta(3) = ...
There are three types of cubic lattices corresponding to three types of cubic close packing, as summarized in the following table. Now that the Kepler conjecture has been ...
