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An extended rooted binary tree satisfying the following conditions: 1. Every node has two children, each colored either red or black. 2. Every tree leaf node is colored ...
In the plane, the reflection property can be stated as three theorems (Ogilvy 1990, pp. 73-77): 1. The locus of the center of a variable circle, tangent to a fixed circle and ...
The triangle DeltaA^*B^*C^* obtained by reflecting the vertices of a reference triangle DeltaABC about the opposite sides is called the reflection triangle (Grinberg 2003). ...
The regular hexagon is the regular polygon with six sides, as illustrated above. The inradius r, circumradius R, sagitta s, and area A of a regular hexagon can be computed ...
The necessary condition for the polychoron to be regular (with Schläfli symbol {p,q,r}) and finite is cos(pi/q)<sin(pi/p)sin(pi/r). Sufficiency can be established by ...
Let G be a graph, and suppose each edge of G is independently deleted with fixed probability 0<=p<=1. Then the probability that no connected component of G is disconnected as ...
The Remez algorithm (Remez 1934), also called the Remez exchange algorithm, is an application of the Chebyshev alternation theorem that constructs the polynomial of best ...
Given the closed interval [0,x] with x>1, let one-dimensional "cars" of unit length be parked randomly on the interval. The mean number M(x) of cars which can fit (without ...
A repeating decimal, also called a recurring decimal, is a number whose decimal representation eventually becomes periodic (i.e., the same sequence of digits repeats ...
The resolution principle, due to Robinson (1965), is a method of theorem proving that proceeds by constructing refutation proofs, i.e., proofs by contradiction. This method ...
