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The set of graph eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix is called the spectrum of the graph. (But note that in physics, the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix of a graph are ...
There are several definitions of the strength of a graph. Harary and Palmer (1959) and Harary and Palmer (1973, p. 66) define the strength of a tree as the maximum number of ...
A connected graph G is said to be t-tough if, for every integer k>1, G cannot be split into k different connected components by the removal of fewer than tk vertices. The ...
A graphic sequence is a sequence of numbers which can be the degree sequence of some graph. A sequence can be checked to determine if it is graphic using GraphicQ[g] in the ...
A great circle is a section of a sphere that contains a diameter of the sphere (Kern and Bland 1948, p. 87). Sections of the sphere that do not contain a diameter are called ...
The great dodecahedron is the Kepler-Poinsot polyhedron whose dual is the small stellated dodecahedron. It is also uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 35 (Maeder 1997), ...
The great rhombicosidodecahedral graph is the Archimedean graph on 120 vertices and 180 edges that is the skeleton of the great rhombicosidodecahedron as well as the uniform ...
The great rhombicosidodecahedro is the 62-faced Archimedean solid with faces 30{4}+20{6}+12{10}. It is also known as the rhombitruncated icosidodecahedron, and is sometimes ...
For an integer n>=2, let gpf(x) denote the greatest prime factor of n, i.e., the number p_k in the factorization n=p_1^(a_1)...p_k^(a_k), with p_i<p_j for i<j. For n=2, 3, ...
The ancient Greeks used the 24 letters of their alphabet plus three special signs called episemons--vau or digamma or stigma (6), koppa or qoppa (90), and san or sampi ...
