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In the early 1960s, B. Birch and H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer conjectured that if a given elliptic curve has an infinite number of solutions, then the associated L-series has ...
For two polynomials P_1(x)=a_mx^m+...+a_0 and P_2=b_nx^n+...+b_0 of degrees m and n, respectively, the Sylvester matrix is an (m+n)×(m+n) matrix formed by filling the matrix ...
The sequence defined by e_0=2 and the quadratic recurrence equation e_n=1+product_(i=0)^(n-1)e_i=e_(n-1)^2-e_(n-1)+1. (1) This sequence arises in Euclid's proof that there ...
A symmetric matrix is a square matrix that satisfies A^(T)=A, (1) where A^(T) denotes the transpose, so a_(ij)=a_(ji). This also implies A^(-1)A^(T)=I, (2) where I is the ...
The symmetric successive overrelaxation (SSOR) method combines two successive overrelaxation method (SOR) sweeps together in such a way that the resulting iteration matrix is ...
An intrinsic property of a mathematical object which causes it to remain invariant under certain classes of transformations (such as rotation, reflection, inversion, or more ...
For every even dimension 2n, the symplectic group Sp(2n) is the group of 2n×2n matrices which preserve a nondegenerate antisymmetric bilinear form omega, i.e., a symplectic ...
Synergetics deals with systems composed of many subsystems which may each be of a very different nature. In particular, synergetics treats systems in which cooperation among ...
Synergetics coordinates are a set of triangular coordinates in their plane (or their generalization to tetrahedral coordinates in space, or the analogs in higher dimensions). ...
A technical mathematical object defined in terms of a polynomial ring of n variables over a field k. Syzygies occur in tensors at rank 5, 7, 8, and all higher ranks, and play ...
