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A map projection obtained by projecting points P on the surface of sphere from the sphere's north pole N to point P^' in a plane tangent to the south pole S (Coxeter 1969, p. ...
A special type of binary tree obtained by starting with the fractions 0/1 and 1/0 and iteratively inserting (m+m^')/(n+n^') between each two adjacent fractions m/n and ...
The Stieltjes integral is a generalization of the Riemann integral. Let f(x) and alpha(x) be real-valued bounded functions defined on a closed interval [a,b]. Take a ...
The transformation S[{a_n}_(n=0)^N] of a sequence {a_n}_(n=0)^N into a sequence {b_n}_(n=0)^N by the formula b_n=sum_(k=0)^NS(n,k)a_k, (1) where S(n,k) is a Stirling number ...
Stochastic is synonymous with "random." The word is of Greek origin and means "pertaining to chance" (Parzen 1962, p. 7). It is used to indicate that a particular subject is ...
A stochastic matrix, also called a probability matrix, probability transition matrix, transition matrix, substitution matrix, or Markov matrix, is matrix used to characterize ...
A strange loop is a phenomenon in which, whenever movement is made upwards or downwards through the levels of some hierarchical system, the system unexpectedly arrives back ...
The first strong law of small numbers (Gardner 1980, Guy 1988, 1990) states "There aren't enough small numbers to meet the many demands made of them." The second strong law ...
Let C be a curve, let O be a fixed point (the pole), and let O^' be a second fixed point. Let P and P^' be points on a line through O meeting C at Q such that P^'Q=QP=QO^'. ...
In logic, the term "homomorphism" is used in a manner similar to but a bit different from its usage in abstract algebra. The usage in logic is a special case of a "morphism" ...
