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1681 - 1690 of 3505 for Theta functionSearch Results

The symmetric group S_n of degree n is the group of all permutations on n symbols. S_n is therefore a permutation group of order n! and contains as subgroups every group of ...
A normal distribution in a variate X with mean mu and variance sigma^2 is a statistic distribution with probability density function ...
The centroid is center of mass of a two-dimensional planar lamina or a three-dimensional solid. The mass of a lamina with surface density function sigma(x,y) is ...
If, for n>=0, beta_n=sum_(r=0)^n(alpha_r)/((q;q)_(n-r)(aq;q)_(n+r)), (1) then beta_n^'=sum_(r=0)^n(alpha_r^')/((q;q)_(n-r)(aq;q)_(n+r)), (2) where alpha_r^' = ...
Debye's asymptotic representation is an asymptotic expansion for a Hankel function of the first kind with nu approx x. For 1-nu/x>epsilon, nu/x=sinalpha, ...
If f(x) is an even function, then b_n=0 and the Fourier series collapses to f(x)=1/2a_0+sum_(n=1)^inftya_ncos(nx), (1) where a_0 = 1/piint_(-pi)^pif(x)dx (2) = ...
A binomial coefficient (N; k) with k>=2 is called good if its least prime factor satisfies lpf(N; k)>k (Erdős et al. 1993). This is equivalent to the requirement that GCD((N; ...
Let t(m) denote the set of the phi(m) numbers less than and relatively prime to m, where phi(n) is the totient function. Then if S_m=sum_(t(m))1/t, (1) then {S_m=0 (mod m^2) ...
Let n be a positive number having primitive roots. If g is a primitive root of n, then the numbers 1, g, g^2, ..., g^(phi(n)-1) form a reduced residue system modulo n, where ...
If a function f has a pole at z_0, then the negative power part sum_(j=-k)^(-1)a_j(z-z_0)^j (1) of the Laurent series of f about z_0 sum_(j=-k)^inftya_j(z-z_0)^j (2) is ...
