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1511 - 1520 of 3505 for Theta functionSearch Results

The "perp dot product" a^_|_·b for a and b vectors in the plane is a modification of the two-dimensional dot product in which a is replaced by the perpendicular vector ...
There are two different definitions of the polar angle. In the plane, the polar angle theta is the counterclockwise angle from the x-axis at which a point in the xy-plane ...
A presheaf C of categories consists of the following data: 1. For every local homeomorphism f:Y->X of topological spaces X, Y, a category C(f:Y->X); 2. For every diagram f ...
A strict order > on the set of terms of a term rewriting system is called a reduction order if 1. The set of terms is well ordered with respect to >, that is, all its ...
A ruled surface is called a right conoid if it can be generated by moving a straight line intersecting a fixed straight line such that the lines are always perpendicular ...
A quantity which gives the inclination of a curve or line with respect to another curve or line. For a line in the xy-plane making an angle theta with the x-axis, the slope m ...
The terminal side of an angle theta drawn in angle standard position is the side which isn't the initial side. When viewing an angle as the amount of rotation about the ...
The point about which an angle is measured is called the angle's vertex, and the angle theta associated with a given vertex is called the vertex angle. In a polygon, the ...
The absolute value of a real number x is denoted |x| and defined as the "unsigned" portion of x, |x| = xsgn(x) (1) = {-x for x<=0; x for x>=0, (2) where sgn(x) is the sign ...
Schur (1916) proved that no matter how the set of positive integers less than or equal to |_n!e_| (where |_x_| is the floor function) is partitioned into n classes, one class ...
