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A 15_3 configuration of 15 lines and 15 points, with three lines through three points, three points on every line, and containing no triangles. It is illustrated above in two ...
Let F be the Maclaurin series of a meromorphic function f with a finite or infinite number of poles at points z_k, indexed so that 0<|z_1|<=|z_2|<=|z_3|<=..., then a pole ...
Let x->y and u->v be two rules of a term rewriting system, and suppose these rules have no variables in common. If they do, rename the variables. If x_1 is a subterm of x (or ...
The region 0<sigma<1, where sigma is defined as the real part of a complex number s=sigma+it. All nontrivial zeros (i.e., those not at negative even integers) of the Riemann ...
Critical damping is a special case of damped simple harmonic motion x^..+betax^.+omega_0^2x=0, (1) in which D=beta^2-4omega_0^2=0, (2) where beta is the damping constant. ...
An unsolvable problem in logic dating back to the ancient Greeks and quoted, for example, by German philosopher Carl von Prantl (1855). The dilemma consists of a crocodile ...
Consider a convex plane curve K with perimeter L, and the set of points P exterior to K. Further, let t_1 and t_2 be the perpendicular distances from P to K (with ...
The cross-correlation of two complex functions f(t) and g(t) of a real variable t, denoted f*g is defined by f*g=f^_(-t)*g(t), (1) where * denotes convolution and f^_(t) is ...
A cross-handle is a topological structure which can be thought of as the object produced by puncturing a surface twice, attaching a zip around each puncture travelling in the ...
In general, a cross is a figure formed by two intersecting line segments. In linear algebra, a cross is defined as a set of n mutually perpendicular pairs of vectors of equal ...
