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If {a_j} subset= D(0,1) (with possible repetitions) satisfies sum_(j=1)^infty(1-|a_j|)<=infty, where D(0,1) is the unit open disk, and no a_j=0, then there is a bounded ...
Any bounded planar region with positive area >A placed in any position of the unit square lattice can be translated so that the number of lattice points inside the region ...
The qubit |psi>=a|0>+b|1> can be represented as a point (theta,phi) on a unit sphere called the Bloch sphere. Define the angles theta and phi by letting a=cos(theta/2) and ...
A block diagonal matrix, also called a diagonal block matrix, is a square diagonal matrix in which the diagonal elements are square matrices of any size (possibly even 1×1), ...
Let (x_0x_1x_2...) be a sequence over a finite alphabet A (all the entries are elements of A). Define the block growth function B(n) of a sequence to be the number of ...
A block matrix is a matrix that is defined using smaller matrices, called blocks. For example, [A B; C D], (1) where A, B, C, and D are themselves matrices, is a block ...
The Bôcher Memorial Prize is awarded by the American Mathematical Society every five years for notable research in analysis that has appeared in a recognized North American ...
The finite zeros of the derivative r^'(z) of a nonconstant rational function r(z) that are not multiple zeros of r(z) are the positions of equilibrium in the field of force ...
A quartic surface which can be constructed as follows. Given a circle C and plane E perpendicular to the plane of C, move a second circle K of the same radius as C through ...
Every bounded infinite set in R^n has an accumulation point. For n=1, an infinite subset of a closed bounded set S has an accumulation point in S. For instance, given a ...
