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8841 - 8850 of 13134 for Theory of mindSearch Results

The identity matrix is a the simplest nontrivial diagonal matrix, defined such that I(X)=X (1) for all vectors X. An identity matrix may be denoted 1, I, E (the latter being ...
If two points A and A^' are inverse with respect to a circle (the inversion circle), then the straight line through A^' which is perpendicular to the line of the points AA^' ...
The Jordan matrix decomposition is the decomposition of a square matrix M into the form M=SJS^(-1), (1) where M and J are similar matrices, J is a matrix of Jordan canonical ...
A theorem giving a criterion for an origami construction to be flat. Kawasaki's theorem states that a given crease pattern can be folded to a flat origami iff all the ...
A Kirkman triple system of order v=6n+3 is a Steiner triple system with parallelism (Ball and Coxeter 1987), i.e., one with the following additional stipulation: the set of ...
Klee's identity is the binomial sum sum_(k=0)^n(-1)^k(n; k)(n+k; m)=(-1)^n(n; m-n), where (n; k) is a binomial coefficient. For m=0, 1, ... and n=0, 1,..., the following ...
A goodness-of-fit test for any statistical distribution. The test relies on the fact that the value of the sample cumulative density function is asymptotically normally ...
An L-algebraic number is a number theta in (0,1) which satisfies sum_(k=0)^nc_kL(theta^k)=0, (1) where L(x) is the Rogers L-function and c_k are integers not all equal to 0 ...
Using the notation of Byerly (1959, pp. 252-253), Laplace's equation can be reduced to (1) where alpha = cint_c^lambda(dlambda)/(sqrt((lambda^2-b^2)(lambda^2-c^2))) (2) = ...
In spherical coordinates, the scale factors are h_r=1, h_theta=rsinphi, h_phi=r, and the separation functions are f_1(r)=r^2, f_2(theta)=1, f_3(phi)=sinphi, giving a Stäckel ...
