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A sphere with three handles (and three holes), i.e., a genus-3 torus.
The triquetra is a geometric figure consisting of three mutually intersecting vesica piscis lens shapes, as illustrated above. The central region common to all three lenses ...
Trisection is the division of a quantity, figure, etc. into three equal parts, i.e., k-multisection with k=3.
The Tristan Edwards projection is a cylindrical equal-area projection which uses a standard parallel of phi_s=37.383 degrees.
The tritangent of a cubic surface is a plane which intersects the surface in three mutually intersecting lines. Each intersection of two lines is then a tangent point of the ...
A bundle or fiber bundle is trivial if it is isomorphic to the cross product of the base space and a fiber.
The trivial loop is the loop that takes every point to its basepoint. Formally, if X is a topological space and x in X, the trivial loop based at x is the map L:[0,1]->X ...
Also called indiscrete topology, the trivial topology is the smallest topology on a set X, namely the one in which the only open sets are the empty set and the entire set X. ...
A word derived from the Latin roots tri- (three) and via (ways, roads), therefore a crossing of three roads. In medieval universities, the trivium consisted of the three ...
The Trott curve is a simple example of a quartic curve having 28 real bitangents-the maximum possible for a quartic-given by the equation ...
