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8141 - 8150 of 13134 for Theory of mindSearch Results
The distance a point moves due to shear divided by the perpendicular distance of a point from the invariant line.
The shear matrix e_(ij)^s is obtained from the identity matrix by inserting s at (i,j), e.g., e_(12)^s=[1 s 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]. (1) Bolt and Hobbs (1998) define a shear matrix ...
A sorting method proposed by Shell (1959) in which records being sorted can take long jumps instead of being restricted to short steps.
A surface given by the parametric equations x(u,v) = u (1) y(u,v) = v (2) z(u,v) = 1/3u^3-1/2v^2. (3) The coefficients of the coefficients of the first fundamental form are E ...
The shoelace formula, also known as Gauss's area formula, the shoelace algorithm, shoelace method, or surveyor's formula, is a name sometimes given to the polygon area ...
The Japanese variant of the game of chess. Shogi is played on a 9×9 uncheckered board, and each player begins with 20 pieces: one king, one rook, one bishop, two gold ...
A method for constructing magic squares of odd order, also called de la Loubere's method.
A pair of dice which have the same odds for throwing every number as a normal pair of 6-sided dice. They are the only such alternate arrangement if face values are required ...
The nth-order Sierpiński carpet graph is the connectivity graph of black squares in the nth iteration of the Sierpiński carpet fractal. The first three iterations are shown ...
The nth-order Sierpiński tetrahedron graph is the connectivity graph of black triangles in the nth iteration of the tetrix fractal. The first three iterations are shown ...
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