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6971 - 6980 of 13134 for Theory of mindSearch Results
"The integers" is a common way of referring to the set of integers, commonly denoted Z.
A function for which the integral can be computed is said to be integrable.
Given a geodesic triangle (a triangle formed by the arcs of three geodesics on a smooth surface), int_(ABC)Kda=A+B+C-pi. Given the Euler characteristic chi, intintKda=2pichi, ...
A Fredholm integral equation of the second kind phi(x)=f(x)+lambdaint_a^bK(x,t)phi(t)dt (1) may be solved as follows. Take phi_0(x) = f(x) (2) phi_1(x) = ...
The function K(alpha,t) in an integral or integral transform g(alpha)=int_a^bf(t)K(alpha,t)dt. Whittaker and Robinson (1967, p. 376) use the term nucleus for kernel.
The symbol int used to denote an integral intf(x)dx. The symbol was invented by Leibniz and chosen to be a stylized script "S" to stand for "summation."
A function of the coordinates which is constant along a trajectory in phase space. The number of degrees of freedom of a dynamical system such as the Duffing differential ...
The quantity being integrated, also called the integral kernel. For example, in intf(x)dx, f(x) is the integrand.
A discrete subset of R^s which is closed under addition and subtraction and which contains Z^s as a subset.
The intercept form of a line in the Cartesian plane with x-intercept a and y-intercept b is given by x/a+y/b=1.
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