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511 - 520 of 13134 for Theory of mindSearch Results
There are so many theorems due to Fermat that the term "Fermat's theorem" is best avoided unless augmented by a description of which theorem of Fermat is under discussion. ...
A fractional ideal is a generalization of an ideal in a ring R. Instead, a fractional ideal is contained in the number field F, but has the property that there is an element ...
A group homomorphism is a map f:G->H between two groups such that the group operation is preserved:f(g_1g_2)=f(g_1)f(g_2) for all g_1,g_2 in G, where the product on the ...
A presentation of a group is a description of a set I and a subset R of the free group F(I) generated by I, written <(x_i)_(i in I)|(r)_(r in R)>, where r=1 (the identity ...
The skeleton graphs of the Johnson solids are polyhedral graphs. The Johnson skeleton graphs J_3 and J_(63) are minimal unit-distance forbidden graphs. The skeleton of the ...
The ordered pair (s,t), where s is the number of real embeddings of the number field and t is the number of complex-conjugate pairs of embeddings. The degree of the number ...
Erdős and Rényi (1960) showed that for many monotone-increasing properties of random graphs, graphs of a size slightly less than a certain threshold are very unlikely to have ...
Let K be a number field and let O be an order in K. Then the set of equivalence classes of invertible fractional ideals of O forms a multiplicative Abelian group called the ...
Ramsey's theorem is a generalization of Dilworth's lemma which states for each pair of positive integers k and l there exists an integer R(k,l) (known as the Ramsey number) ...
A fundamental structural result in extremal graph theory due to Szemerédi (1978). The regularity lemma essentially says that every graph can be well-approximated by the union ...