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3901 - 3910 of 13134 for Theory of mindSearch Results
If A is a class of recursively enumerable sets, then the set of Gödel numbers of functions whose domains belong to A is called its index set. If the index set of A is a ...
The consideration of the result of a numerical calculation as a function of an adjustable parameter (usually the step size). The function can then be fitted and evaluated at ...
Let a closed interval [a,b] be partitioned by points a<x_1<x_2<...<x_(n-1)<b, where the lengths of the resulting intervals between the points are denoted Deltax_1, Deltax_2, ...
In a noncommutative ring R, a right ideal is a subset I which is an additive subgroup of R and such that for all r in R and all a in I, ar in I. (1) For all a in R, the set ...
Given a map f:S->T between sets S and T, the map g:T->S is called a right inverse to f provided that f degreesg=id_T, that is, composing f with g from the right gives the ...
The d-dimensional rigidity matrix M(G) of a graph G with vertex count n, edge count m in the variables v_i=(x_1,...,x_d) is the m×(dn) matrix with rows indexed by the edges ...
A ring homomorphism is a map f:R->S between two rings such that 1. Addition is preserved:f(r_1+r_2)=f(r_1)+f(r_2), 2. The zero element is mapped to zero: f(0_R)=0_S, and 3. ...
The Robbins constant is the mean line segment length, i.e., the expected distance between two points chosen at random in cube line picking, namely Delta(3) = (1) = (2) = ...
The Robertson-Seymour theorem, also called the graph minor theorem, is a generalization of the Kuratowski reduction theorem by Robertson and Seymour, which states that the ...
For algebraic alpha |alpha-p/q|<1/(q^(2+epsilon)), with epsilon>0, has finitely many solutions. Klaus Roth received a Fields medal for this result.
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