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10381 - 10390 of 13134 for Theory of mindSearch Results
The partial differential equation (u_t)/(u_x)=1/4(u_(xxx))/(u_x)-3/8(u_(xx)^2)/(u_x^2)+3/2(p(u))/(u_x^2), where p(u)=1/4(4u^3-g_2u-g_3). The special cases ...
The simplest interpretation of the Kronecker delta is as the discrete version of the delta function defined by delta_(ij)={0 for i!=j; 1 for i=j. (1) The Kronecker delta is ...
Given an m×n matrix A and a p×q matrix B, their Kronecker product C=A tensor B, also called their matrix direct product, is an (mp)×(nq) matrix with elements defined by ...
Kummer's first formula is (1) where _2F_1(a,b;c;z) is the hypergeometric function with m!=-1/2, -1, -3/2, ..., and Gamma(z) is the gamma function. The identity can be written ...
Given a series of positive terms u_i and a sequence of finite positive constants a_i, let rho=lim_(n->infty)(a_n(u_n)/(u_(n+1))-a_(n+1)). 1. If rho>0, the series converges. ...
An attractive tiling of the square composed of two types of triangular tiles. It consists of 16 equilateral triangles and 32 15 degrees-15 degrees-150 degrees isosceles ...
Informally, an L^2-function is a function f:X->R that is square integrable, i.e., |f|^2=int_X|f|^2dmu with respect to the measure mu, exists (and is finite), in which case ...
The l^2-norm (also written "l^2-norm") |x| is a vector norm defined for a complex vector x=[x_1; x_2; |; x_n] (1) by |x|=sqrt(sum_(k=1)^n|x_k|^2), (2) where |x_k| on the ...
On a measure space X, the set of square integrable L2-functions is an L^2-space. Taken together with the L2-inner product with respect to a measure mu, <f,g>=int_Xfgdmu (1) ...
A procedure for decomposing an N×N matrix A into a product of a lower triangular matrix L and an upper triangular matrix U, LU=A. (1) LU decomposition is implemented in the ...
