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An Euler brick is a cuboid that possesses integer edges a>b>c and face diagonals d_(ab) = sqrt(a^2+b^2) (1) d_(ac) = sqrt(a^2+c^2) (2) d_(bc) = sqrt(b^2+c^2). (3) If the ...
An important theorem in plane geometry, also known as Hero's formula. Given the lengths of the sides a, b, and c and the semiperimeter s=1/2(a+b+c) (1) of a triangle, Heron's ...
The incidence matrix of a graph gives the (0,1)-matrix which has a row for each vertex and column for each edge, and (v,e)=1 iff vertex v is incident upon edge e (Skiena ...
In a boarding school there are fifteen schoolgirls who always take their daily walks in rows of threes. How can it be arranged so that each schoolgirl walks in the same row ...
An obtuse triangle is a triangle in which one of the angles is an obtuse angle. (Obviously, only a single angle in a triangle can be obtuse or it wouldn't be a triangle.) A ...
The word polytope is used to mean a number of related, but slightly different mathematical objects. A convex polytope may be defined as the convex hull of a finite set of ...
The necessary condition for the polychoron to be regular (with Schläfli symbol {p,q,r}) and finite is cos(pi/q)<sin(pi/p)sin(pi/r). Sufficiency can be established by ...
The rhombic triacontahedron is a zonohedron which is the dual polyhedron of the icosidodecahedron A_4 (Holden 1971, p. 55). It is Wenninger dual W_(12). It is composed of 30 ...
The detour index omega(G) of a graph G is a graph invariant defined as half the sum of all off-diagonal matrix elements of the detour matrix of G. Unless otherwise stated, ...
The word polyhedron has slightly different meanings in geometry and algebraic geometry. In geometry, a polyhedron is simply a three-dimensional solid which consists of a ...
