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291 - 300 of 2285 for Symmetric Positive Definite MatrixSearch Results
The Randić energy of a graph is defined as the graph energy of its Randić matrix, i.e., the sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of its Randić matrix.
A p-variate multivariate normal distribution (also called a multinormal distribution) is a generalization of the bivariate normal distribution. The p-multivariate ...
The conjugate gradient method is not suitable for nonsymmetric systems because the residual vectors cannot be made orthogonal with short recurrences, as proved in Voevodin ...
If X_i for i=1, ..., m has a multivariate normal distribution with mean vector mu=0 and covariance matrix Sigma, and X denotes the m×p matrix composed of the row vectors X_i, ...
A representation of a Lie algebra g is a linear transformation psi:g->M(V), where M(V) is the set of all linear transformations of a vector space V. In particular, if V=R^n, ...
The conjugate transpose of an m×n matrix A is the n×m matrix defined by A^(H)=A^_^(T), (1) where A^(T) denotes the transpose of the matrix A and A^_ denotes the conjugate ...
The arithmetic-geometric index of a graph is defined as half the sum of the matrix elements of its arithmetic-geometric matrix.
A fixed point for which the stability matrix has equal nonzero eigenvectors.
For every even dimension 2n, the symplectic group Sp(2n) is the group of 2n×2n matrices which preserve a nondegenerate antisymmetric bilinear form omega, i.e., a symplectic ...
An ordered vector basisv_1,...,v_n for a finite-dimensional vector space V defines an orientation. Another basis w_i=Av_i gives the same orientation if the matrix A has a ...